Willow Childcare Centre.
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Greenway Avenue, Plympton, Plymouth PL7 4RR | admin@willowchildcare.co.uk | 01752 347170

Healthy Child Quality Mark

We have been awarded the Healthy Child Quality Mark for Early Years. This is an exciting opportunity to celebrate best practice and to identify areas for improvement. It links closely with Plymouth’s THRIVE initiative and the Department of Health ‘Healthy Child Programme’

There are four themes:

1 Leadership and Management

2 Healthy and Active Body

3 Personal Social and Emotional Development

4 Adult Health and Wellbeing

One of the themes to emerge from our work on the Healthy Child Quality Mark is the importance of positive adult role models. We cannot educate children about lifestyle choices that will determine their health and wellbeing if we are not making these choices ourselves.

Our staff team have really engaged with this and are demonstrating their eagerness by making a personal pledge  to improve their own health and wellbeing. A number of people are losing weight, some are taking up regular exercise – walking, swimming, cycling or sporting activities. We are working towards adopting the Workplace Wellbeing Charter.

We are looking for ways that we can support families to improve their health and wellbeing and welcome ideas for ways we can do that.

Here are some useful links to websites:

Thrive Plymouth is a 10 year programme which aims to improve health and wellbeing in Plymouth and narrow the gap in health status between people in the city. There is currently a considerable life expectancy gap between different communities, closing the gap is seen as crucial to the city  thriving and everyone enjoying an outstanding quality of life. The focus of Thrive Plymouth is on positive choices: eating a healthy diet, leading an active lifestyle, drinking sensibly and not smoking. www.ThrivePlymouth.co.uk

Change 4 Life is also about making healthier choices for life:  Eat well      Move more      Live longer   http://www.nhs.uk/Change4Life

Livewell is a health promotion hub, a point of contact that anyone can use to find out about lifestyle issues and how to  make changes that can help prevent ill health.

Support and advice for a healthier life:  www.livewellplymouth.co.uk