Willow Childcare Centre.
Willow Childcare early-years-hcqm-logo-003NDNA Ofsted_logo
Greenway Avenue, Plympton, Plymouth PL7 4RR | admin@willowchildcare.co.uk | 01752 347170



Mealtimes are a very important part of our day, when children come together socially to eat. Children are supported in helping themselves to food from serving dishes on each table, this enables them to select the food they like, and to try small portions of new foods they are not yet sure about. It encourages independence and the social skills of sharing and passing serving dishes around the table.

We are very proud of our home cooking, offering children healthy, nutritious, tasty meals and snacks. Our cook plans a variety of meals – lunch, tea and snacks, which are changed frequently. The menu for the week is displayed each week for parents to see. If parents have any special requirements or wish to discuss their child’s eating habits with us, our cook will be happy to talk through any issues. We know how important it is to listen to parents to gain a better understanding about each child’s needs.

Healthy Teeth & Healthy Food

We help children to understand the importance of looking after their teeth.  Sweets are discouraged even as birthday treats.

We provide milk and water to drink.

Fruit juice is not provided because the acidity can weaken the enamel on teeth. Fruit drinks and squashes are not given because they contain sugars or sugar substitutes, which damage teeth and also lead to a preference for sweet drinks. We find that children will drink water if there is not an alternative drink.